The term Wellness RISK was penned by Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS in May of 2017 with the web site registered on September 21, 2017. The web site ChronicDiseasePreventionStrategies was registered on April 28, 2018, and the Wellness RISK Management web site was registered on July 22, 2019.
The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing, AND people doing the things science has show they should not be doing, AND thinking the things science has shown they should not be thinking, AND not thinking the things science has shown they should be thinking. |
5 pdf Documents as a Brief Overview.
Measure - Assess - Identify - Prioritize - Motivate
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The Tough, Tough Job with Wellness RISK
The tough, tough job of helping people improve themselves with multi dimensional
Wellness RISK and
Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies.
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Wellness RISK is related to what you are doing, what you are not doing, what you are thinking and what you are not thinking. |
To get a handle on that you need to get Measured, then look at the numbers.
Tutoring Workshops are the place to be. Enrol Today.
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One would think this would be easy when the science is so clear. Human nature though, is a difficult thing to pin down. It seems that with Wellness RISK Management strategies we are driving people toward a longer life with more happiness and less heartache while at the same time human nature is driving people toward the opposite.
To have freedom means also, to not have to use it, or more appropriately, to not be forced into doing something you don’t see as a priority at the present moment. You might see it as a priority tomorrow, but tomorrow is not today.
So, you leave it until fear sets in as you push tomorrow to the next day and next day. Then whammy, fear rises up. “If only I had known that yesterday” you say. Well, here we are with Wellness RISK and Wellness RISK Management telling you ‘yesterday’, what you need to know today. The math is simple but the delivery of Wellness to yourself is not so simple. You need help. You need Self-Help. You need another human helping you help yourself.
Wellness RISK Management delivers on that task and the first thing it Measures is the alignment of a person’s Wellness RISK belief about themselves.
Measure - Assess - Identify - Prioritize - Motivate
It’s Time for you to get moving in the right Wellness direction.
Little steps build into big achievements.
The Measure and the Motivate will be Tutored by Human Connection.
Making Wellness a Priority
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If you are in PAIN! |
WellnessRISK? What is it? What is it all about?
What is Wellness RISK?
It is Wellness based on science that Measures your RISK and then provides Tutoring Workshops to help you lower your RISK, improve your health and your wellness. It helps teach Optimal Health Secrets and Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies.
• | Wellness is an individual burden. |
• | Strategies to improve one’s Wellness will need to be dealt with at the individual level. |
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Group Tutoring Workshops are OK as long as each individual understands their needs are different than the next person’s. A Progress Chart, 35 page Report of Findings and an Action Plan list are your guides. |
• | Making Wellness a Priority to become independent of Wellness RISK Management Instructors is a primary goal for everyone. |
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The roadway to Optimal Health Secrets is difficult, requires effort, perseverance and some level of help. Everyone can get on the roadway. They just have to want to. |
We are here to help.
Measuring, Mitigating, Managing RISK
Making Wellness a Priority
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