WRM Workshops Synopsis
Workshop Purchase
In order to get started on a WRM Workshop, a person needs to first be inducted/enrolled in the WRM Research Program. The research program categorises the geographical
research cohort and aggregates the data. Measurement for Wellness Risk then takes place. The
WRM Tutoring Workshops then help a person manage the risk identified.
Brief Explanatory
People can refer friends and family to either the measurement or both the measurement
and the Tutoring Workshops. People involved in Health and Wellness services can also refer.
People may have issues with any one of the Five Pillars of Optimal Health
Secrets, or they may have issues with pain, or with weight, or with excessive consumption‘s, or with
inactivity. There are solutions for them all.
However, first we must measure. There is no getting around the
We prefer that everyone go through the research project because we assess
subjective risk at the same time as objective Wellness RISK in that project. However,
healthcare professionals may just want to get the numbers quickly easily and in the least expensive way possible.
They need only send people to the registration page at TheQ.ca. However, we recommend getting the subjective risk
assessment as well through the Research program. Please contact us for more information.
If a person is in a particular need in some healthcare way, then they should be
entered into the research project by sending an email and asking to be enrolled. We will start the process at that
time by sending an initial fillable PDF form.
A list of healthcare professionals and allied health personnel who may want to refer
to us follows.
Medical doctors, chiropractors, dentists, physiotherapists, fitness trainers,
lawyers, can all refer people and then ask the client to send them a copy of the progress chart. That progress
chart will list the client’s 38 Wellness RISK
Management numbers. Referrers cannot get a copy of a client's
WRM Progress Chart from us. However, we can confirm whether the numbers in a
client's WRM Progress Chart have been altered or not. We would need the client's
permission for that corroboration.
Workshop List of Optional
DIVISION #1 - WRM Five Pillar Workshops
Standard concepts from standard science. The Five Pillars of Optimal Health
Secrets are all covered in the Five Pillars Tutoring Workshop. This workshop is where the Action Plan list is
worked through. Again, this workshop is optional. People can work on their own. However, science says that working
alone is a poor way to gain optimal results.
Yes, there are options to the option. In addition to Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of
Optimal Health Secrets we address two further topics as optional choices for clients: Natural Pain Relief and
Weight Loss.
For both Dr. Ouellette’s Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet Workshop and Dr. Ouellette’s Weight Loss Workshop,
we consider all Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets.
For Weight Loss, we will delve into Dr. Ouellette’s Weight Loss Formula. See our Library in the above link for articles.
Pain Relief Diet Workshops
Pain does not usually come on and then stay with us. If it did that would be a red
flag and would have to be checked out by a registered health care professional. Most of the time pain comes and
goes or waxes and wanes for a period of time then we tend to do things that make it worse. We call that
exacerbating the pain. So the question is, what’s the reason why pain comes and goes, waxes and wanes, and why are
the things that we do exacerbating the pain?
Let’s not complicate the issue with highbrow medical theories. We want to know the
types of ‘Why’s’ we can fix ourselves without medical help. So, we look to food and the
FoodPainConnection as a major source of help. Why is food so important?
It boils down to physiology and anatomy. Our digestive system is not completely
efficient. The anatomies of the red blood cell and the capillary, the smallest blood vessel in our body, have a
peculiar relationship that most people don’t know about. And then, there is the amount of blood in our body
that has to be shunted from one place to another because there’s not enough blood to fill the entire vascular
When you put these all together, it amounts to a capillary system that can get
plugged. That temporary plug-up causes a weakness, a de-oxygenation, a slight degree of degeneration which when
superimposed on the body day after day, month after month, year after year, collects into major
We CAN do something about this and that is what our pain workshops are all about.
To learn more, take a workshop.
Weight-Loss Workshops
Excess weight is clearly a problem. It causes disease. It is preventable. We pay
money to gain this excessive weight because we have to buy the food. That cost should be an issue with everyone
but, it doesn’t seem to matter.
Science shows us the way toward permanent weight loss. Those people who need a
strong focus on weight loss will find help at WRM in this particular optional workshop.
Assessing Your Weight and Health Risk
We don’t have a need to be teaching anything about this topic as it is common
knowledge by now. If a person has a question on it then they should see a healthcare professional who has training
in it. From various sources and some minor notes by Dr. Ouellette, we provide the following.
Assessment of weight and health risk involves using three key
measures: • Body Mass Index (BMI)
• Waist Circumference
• Risk factors for diseases and conditions
associated with obesity
Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI is a useful measure of overweight and obesity. It is calculated from your height
and weight. BMI is an estimate of body fat and a good gauge of your risk for diseases that can occur with more body
fat. The higher your BMI, the higher your risk for certain diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure,
type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers.
Although BMI can be used for most men and women, it does have
some limits:
• It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have
a muscular build as in mesomorphs.
• It may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who
have lost muscle.
If you think you fall into one of the above categories then you will need a
trained and registered health care professional to sort it out for you. Thus, the use of a BMI Calculator or BMI
Tables to estimate body fat has it's cautions. The BMI score for most people means the following:
Underweight Below 18.5
Overweight 25.0–29.9
Obesity 30.0
and Above
Morbid Obesity 40 and above
Waist Circumference Measuring waist circumference helps screen for possible health risks that come with overweight
and obesity. If most of your fat is around your waist rather than at your hips, you’re at a higher risk for heart
disease and type 2 diabetes. This risk goes up with a waist size that is greater than 35 inches for women or
greater than 40 inches for men. To correctly measure your waist, stand and place a tape measure around your middle,
just above your hipbones. Measure your waist just after you breathe out normally.
Various tables of Risks of Obesity-Associated Diseases by BMI and Waist
Circumference can provide you with an idea of whether your BMI combined with your waist circumference increases
your risk for developing obesity-associated diseases or conditions.
Risk Factors for Health Topics Associated With
Obesity Along with being overweight or obese, the following
conditions will put you at greater risk for heart disease and other conditions:
• Risk Factors
• High blood pressure (hypertension)
• High LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol)
• Low HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol)
• High triglycerides
• High blood glucose (sugar)
• Family history of premature heart disease
• Physical inactivity
• Cigarette smoking
What to do about it? When
a weight problem is identified then there are two places to go, Calorie Reduced Diet and Interval Training.
Wellness Risk Management Workshops address these solutions with a unique diet and science-based
Excessive Consumption Workshops
These workshops will explain the role that genetics may be playing in these very
difficult problems. Our job here at WRM is not to treat, not to give therapies, nor to give advice but, to give
understanding and give people the opportunities to help themselves. This is an optional workshop like all the
rest, which offers to sow a seed and be ready to lead should a client wish to investigate these consumptions
in more depth.
Dance Workshops Addressing Inactivity in a Pleasurable Way
We think dance is an ideal form of exercise for helping people learn slowly and
progress to whatever level they feel comfortable with. Dance is good for the body and it’s good for the mind. It’s
just a matter of getting started and getting involved in the learning process. We help with that. Dance workshops
will be organised as needed and appropriate for a venue.
At the end of our dance workshop sessions people WILL BE ABLE TO DANCE
TO ANYTHING.... almost. Maybe not Acid Rock, but who wants to dance to that anyway as it is (just find a wall and
bang your head on it all night) right? LOL Sorry acid fans, but that is the way it is. We want the brain stimulated
in a way that brings it stability and encourages memory.
And, to be fair, there are other songs written that are just impossible to find
any form of Lead & Follow dance that fits. We are talking about Lead-and-Follow dance now, not freestyle where
you make things up as you go.
If you know the Lindy Hop, Vic’s 1,2,3 slide, and Blues (we will teach you) then
you can dance most all the slow dances. If you know Charleston and Balboa then you can dance all the really fast
dances. (We will teach you.) And if your proclivity is toward Quick Step in Ballroom then we’ll teach you that
When somebody says, “Hey, do you know WCS?, you will say, “yes, of course.” When
someone says, “Hey, do you know ECS?, You will say “yes of course.” Or, Country 2 Step?, “Yes. Of course.” And all
the Ballroom, Salsa’s and Latin too.
Of course, it will take you some time to become expert, but, that will all be up
to you. You just have to keep at it. Make the mind grow. Give the blood a flow boost. It is that flow boost that
prevents disease. We are teaching dance for Wellness.