Wellness Dual Risk, the Main Obstacle
Previous Article: Plain Talk
What is Wellness Risk?
There is a subjective perception Wellness Risk and an objective science Wellness Risk. Wellness Risk is how closely
a person lives their lifestyle according to the science of multidimansional Five Pillar Wellness.
Objective Science - Wellness Risk Having a low Five Pillar Wellness score means a person is
not following the science of wellness in their daily life because the score is based on science. A low Five
Pillar score puts this person at high Wellness Risk. This we call a scientific-wellness risk. A person may
know they are not behaving according to wellness science, or they may not know. In either case, if they're actually
not behaving according to the science, then they are at risk. That is the major Five Pillar Wellness concept.
Perception Subjective - Wellness Risk There is a perception risk involved in wellness in
addition to the science objective wellness risk. Before being measured for wellness risk, if a person has a
misconception as to where their Five Pillar Wellness Scores (35) actually are, then this would be subjective
perception risk because it would lead to harmful behaviour that may move the risk even higher.
This risk is what we call a subjective perceptual wellness risk. If a person thinks their wellness score is
somewhere that it is not, then that would, knowingly or unknowingly, lead to behaviour that is detrimental. For
instance, a person could be behaving either in a way that they're exercising too much, or not exercising
enough, or eating too much, or not eating enough. This would put them at a perceptual wellness risk because, where
a person thinks they are at in the wellness continuum would influence how they behave.
There are many more instances of detriment perceptual wellness risk in each of the Five Pillars of Wellness. We
need not go into all those here as many are self-evident.
Measuring Wellness Risk
To understand wellness risk we must measure the wellness perception and then measure how well a person adheres to
the science of wellness. Comparing the two gives us the Wellness-Perception Risk for each of 35 scores. The Five
Pillar Wellness Research Program gives us this comparison and grades the difference. Collecting Five Pillar
Wellness Statistics will allow an evaluation of the Five Pillar Wellness Risk Hypothesis via data analysis.
The race each person runs is to survive the onslaughts of a harsh world, and the onslaughts of
their own kind. Their key, is their intelligence, their ability to step outside the animal world and into the human
world using their powers of thinking.
Wellness risk is the main obstacle to conquer. People conquer risk through the learning process.
Many do a far better job at conquering risk than others. BUT, all can learn new ways.
We now have a way to measure Five Pillar Wellness and help people do a better job at winning the
race of life. We have a new tool to measure wellness risk. We would be happy to discuss that with you.
Healthcare .... Disease care. For sure people want disease care but, they have a keen interest in
healthy healthcare. A statement like that makes one wonder what the difference is between disease care and
healthcare. We know the difference.
We are making a difference in the wellness of people. |
Wellness Risk indicates a ‘heading’ for healthcare troubles. Businesses have a financial interest
in keeping their workforce well. To help business, we have a plan.
We measure two types of wellness risk.
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NEXT : Wellness Risk Hypothesis