
For Individuals Interested in Wellness.



Help for Worker's Wellness - Cost Free to the CompanyENU]










Read Me First at WellnessRiskManagement.com



Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS is the author, creator and originator of the Five Pillar Wellness Risk Management program.


Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS

Certified Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada)

Retiring Certifications:

DNM, Doctor of Natural Medicine

RNP, Registered Naturaltherapy Practitioner

Cert. Acup., Certified in Acupuncture

Practicing since 1973 in Ontario, Canada.

The Beginning 

Groundwork began on this project in 1986 during Dr. Ouellette's Master Degree course in Biology (with Emphasis on Nutrition).

Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet (2002) is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet, an Anti-Obesity Diet, an Anti-Aging Diet, a Pain Relief Diet, and a Wellness Risk Improvement Diet. It's a diet that does at all.

It does all this by being a clean burning diet that removes multiple food stress points from a person's consumption. This helps many types of musculoskeletal pain syndromes heal more quickly not only because of reduced referred pain, but also because multiple physiological systems including the skin and the energy systems are impacted by the FoodPainConnection and the food blood flow connection.

Couple this diet with the Dr. Ouellette’s Five Pillar Wellness Risk principles and a supremely efficient multidimensional health improvement plan becomes evident that has an ability to help a range of people with seemingly straight forward intractable medical diagnoses.

In the Five Pillar Wellness Risk program we set this diet as an optional tool. We use standard scientific protocols for the nutritional pillar protocols.

Wellness secrets have been guarded by many people over the decades. We release these secrets now and show people how to lower their wellness risk and boost their Five Pillar Wellness Scores.


Note from Dr. Ouellette
I am uniquely placed with clinical observations, skill sets and experience in the complementary pain management field and the wellness field, to lead both Five Pillar Wellness Risk Workshops and Instructor Trainer Courses for a Five Pillar Wellness Risk Management Directorship program, including the optional certifications of the Pain Relief Diet.

And, of course, I will be coming out of semi-retirement to build this new Five Pillar Wellness Risk Management industry.


Full Profile of Dr. Ouellette


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Special Note               

Every hour of every day,

millions of people awaken.

For everyone,
one thing is certain.

They must behave in a way that lessens their stress or,
they will die young.

Our program is a Wellness tool to help people interested in self-help Wellness strategies.

Business management and the workforce have multiple tools at their disposable for doing their job.

People interested in Wellness have very few tools and a bewildering array of Wellness data presented to them through various media, some science based, much of it not.

We would like to present a new Wellness tool to business and make a very generous offer to add to a company’s Wellness services.

Multidimensional Wellness is much larger than just nutrition, exercise and the FoodPainConnection alone. We know this from the prolific number of scientific papers in the Wellness field.

We started long ago on a project that was very large. This meant pieces would need to come together slowly. We concluded from clinical experience that the Five Pillars were the essence of Self-Help Wellness.

Science was the lead with a basic principle that, to keep it in the Self-Help category  various health care professions, including my own, would need to take a back seat while the science pertaining to Self-Help would need the lead.

So, what is the bottom line fine print with our program? If people follow our suggestions, our diet, our lifestyle, then they will see a correction in blood fats, a correction in blood pressure, a lowering to normalization of weight, a better vascular system, including the heart, and a better brain with all that this entails. This all comes naturally from following the Wellness science.

We measure a person for that science and show how to move forward with Five Pillar Wellness Risk Management.

It is time to launch this important field and tell people what their Five Pillar Wellness Risk numbers are.

Here's to, Making Wellness a priority.

Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS