Plain Talk
So, what does our Five Pillar Wellness model, and our Wellness Risk concept
We measure how well people pattern their lives after the science of Wellness. We
show people how closely they are matching science. One problem is that people live their lives first and then
science sheds light on whether those behaviours are helpful to a long and happy life or hinder a long and happy
Most people believe they are doing okay in life. They don't see that their choices
in life may be affecting how much pain they have, how much disability they have, how many injuries they get, how
much aging degeneration they get, and whether they are happy or not.
Epidemiologists say most people live into their 70's and 80's. We say people
should live into their 115's or more with a strong body and strong mind. Scientists have delved into all these
things listed above to help us understand our lives better.
Putting numbers to what scientists have learned about Wellness is what we do. With
those numbers people can make an informed decision that is more evidence-based than just winging it and doing what
makes them feel good.
Our question to you is "How well does science say you are living your
To find that out we need to get numbers from you. is all about
finding those numbers.
To get started just contact us by email and say "I'm interested in wellness. How
do I start?"
See our Contact Us page.
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NEXT: Dual Risk