
For Individuals Interested in Wellness.



Help for Worker's Wellness - Cost Free to the CompanyENU]










Read Me First at WellnessRiskManagement.com


Five Pillar Wellness Risk Research Project

Building a Wellness Risk Statistical Database is our priority at this time. We are build using our anonymous research protocol.

Previous Article:   Pain

 Non-Pharmaceutical Pain Reduction with
 Advanced Wellness

Yes, we’re in Canada, (Ontario).

Now Online
We are happy to inform you that our Five Pillar Wellness Research program is now available for companies to offer to workers, staff and management. Our focus is on establishing a Wellness Research Data Base and providing Five Pillar Wellness Workshops as needed.

  • Our program builds a wellness profile for individuals and an aggregate wellness profile for a business. Our program is either a stand alone wellness program or a parallel wellness program.
  • We offer some three dozen numbers that define the wellness profile status of both individuals and selected grouped cohorts in a business.
  • There are no costs to the individuals for this Wellness Research Assessment and no cost to businesses.
  • A business has only to encourage its employees and management to enrol in our anonymous Five Pillar Wellness Research Program.
  • Workers and management can be divided into multiple separate research cohorts if a business prefers that type of refinement in statistical gathering.

Our model does not require any particular healthcare professionals or allied healthcare workers. Our program does not affiliate with, or promote any profession.

Obtaining Wellness
Wellness can’t be bought and a doctor can’t give it in a pill a needle or a drug. Wellness understandably, entails pain reduction as one component. Self-help pain reduction is moderated in our program through the FoodPainConnection.

The self-help component is the key to wellness. If people want non-pharmaceutical pain relief and/or advanced wellness, they will have to modify the way they live. That change can be achieved slowly or quickly.

Non-pharmaceutical pain relief falls into the two main categories of manual therapies and nutrition therapies. Our Self-Help wellness falls into the Five Pillar categories.

Nutrition therapies can be further divided into nutraceuticals and diet therapies, specifically the FoodPainConnection.

Manual therapies can be divided into several categories such as spinal manipulation therapy, photo therapy, electro therapy, physiotherapy, massage therapy etc.

We know that healthcare professionals use four data sources to decide on interventions. They use medicine-based evidence, evidence-based medicine, best professional opinion, and the patient's wishes.

Medicine based evidence is by far the largest component with a universal goal of increasing the evidence-based medicine component as a noble pursuit.

Following that lead we measure, assess, identify, prioritize, and motivate using scientific protocols already established by the scientific community.

The Five Pillars
There are lots of evidence-based science papers to corroborate Nutrition, Exercise, Spinal Health, Rest & Relaxation, and Attitude & Perspective as major wellness pillars. These five pillars are the essence of Self-Help Wellness. Our model asks 20 questions on each pillar to determine if people are behaving according to the science of wellness. These questions allow us to score a person on each of the pillars then compute an overall wellness score.

In addition, we know many people use several types of healthcare most often all at the same time, with some being more science based than others. Because of this, we also measure several additional clinical indicators of wellness, and we measure for the anti-inflammatory pain relief diet as well. We know there is science on a FoodPainConnection so we include this science in our algorithm protocol for those practitioners who may be inclined to delve into this powerful wellness tool with their patients or clients.

Various healthcare professionals can choose to ignore scores in the 38 item score list depending on their particular specialty.

Clients may choose to follow certain directions, or learn more about them on their own.

People can choose for themselves which parts of our grading they wish to focus on as there is a level of built-in flexibility for the client.

Healthcare professionals can get a heads up on what some alternative practitioners might focus on even though they would not use that data themselves. Thirty-eight numbers tell the five pillar wellness story for each individual.

Individual Scores and Group Scores
Our research program will grade groupings of people in a business or a population base, for a wellness measurement of that group.

The Five Pillar Wellness Model
The five divisions of our wellness model are as follows.

  1. Five Pillar Research Program (for individuals and business group aggregate scores) We are building a wellness risk statistical database.
  2. Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator (online assessment with its Wellness Progress Chart)
  3. Wellness Workshops (for help with Wellness Action Plan completion)
  4. Wellness School (to train wellness advisors, instructors, instructor trainers, wellness directors) [Future]
  5. Wellness Foundation (for science upgrade and protocol management) [Future]


We understand that people seek out and incorporate many types of self therapies, from taking over-the-counter medications to enrolling in meditation classes, yoga classes etc. People can include some Non-Pharmaceuticals for Pain Reduction if they wish, however, these are outside the research program, outside the Five Pillar Wellness Mandate and entail extra costs.

  1. Nutraceuticals, [Essential Oil Balance, Curcumen/Tumeric, Glucosamine, Glutathione, etc.], This list is constantly growing and changing based on science.
  2. Manual therapies, [Spinal Manipulation Therapies (SMT ), PhotoBioModulation (LASER), Electrical therapies (TENS), Deep fibre therapies and stretches, Heat, Exercise therapies (Physiotherapies) etc.] These are mostly types of therapies called passive therapies delivered by specially trained professionals.
  3. Diet modification therapies [The Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Obesity, Anti-Aging, Pain Relief Wellness Diet]. A diet that can do it all.

Outside Our Model  
As we have said, passive type therapies, and some types of physiotherapies, are extra and outside the scope of Five Pillar Self-Help Wellness. In the self-help field nutraceuticals, diet modulation, and electrical modulation (TENS) have commonly been used by the public on their own without professional level input.

In the past, these self-help efforts have not had a method of documentation and grading. People just wing it and see if they feel better. The Five Pillar Wellness Model offers a documentation process for the individual to grade improvement and track progress on any type of external wellness or health care interventions by health professionals, or ones started by themselves. Procedures and therapies that are not working can be identified and abandoned or modified if Wellness Risk scores do not improve.

The Five Pillar Model does not make therapy recommendations and Five Pillar Wellness Advisors/Counsellors/Instructors do not recommend, promote or advise on external therapies. There is a strict Five Pillar Counsellor Mandate that counsellors are obligated to follow. Of course, practitioners with degree training can engage in their scope of practice as they see fit. However, the Five Pillar Wellness Risk model has its very specific intervention mandate.

If people wish to give the non-pharmaceutical pain relief self-help therapies a try, or advanced wellness a try, they would be advised to do it correctly and completely in an initial trial. Failure to follow the rules will lead to failure because human physiology and psychology are complex with the integration of several systems including; chemical-nutrition, neurological, blood flow, psychological and physical mechanical issues which all need to be addressed. This advice comes from long clinical experience in this field.

We will be instituting protocols for extra training for those Wellness Instructors who wish to become trained in the FoodPainConnection and Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Obesity, Anti-Aging, Pain Relief, Wellness Diet.

Getting Oneself Ready for Our Help
Outside of our Wellness Research Program people can go it alone with our program after taking Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator. They can either be within the research scope, or outside of it.

Some people are able to help themselves quite efficiently. Those people who feel they need extra help should go through at least two wellness calculations a few months apart to develop a progress chart.

Wellness Workshops troubleshoot the eight item Wellness Action Plan and provide further Wellness Action Plan items as needed for those who progress quickly. Costs for Wellness Workshops are not included in the Five Pillar Wellness Research Program.

Wellness Workshops provide entry into our Personal Wellness Advisor program that helps people troubleshoot issues they are having with the Wellness Action Plan List. At the present time Dr. Ouellette will be running these wellness workshops.

Of course, one can work on items in the list on their own. That is the whole Self-Help point of this program. However, most people need some help from time to time. We are here for that help. People working on their own can purchase their Wellness Report of Findings independently at the above PainReliefLifestyleStore pay site if they have opted not to purchased a research affiliated workshop.

Where You Live
People in other countries can purchase Wellness Workshops as well and provide the documents we need as explained above. The research program is not available internationally at this time.

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Back to Preface page.

NEXT: Pain Relief Diet



Special Note               

Every hour of every day,

millions of people awaken.

For everyone,
one thing is certain.

They must behave in a way that lessens their stress or,
they will die young.

Our program is a Wellness tool to help people interested in self-help Wellness strategies.

Business management and the workforce have multiple tools at their disposable for doing their job.

People interested in Wellness have very few tools and a bewildering array of Wellness data presented to them through various media, some science based, much of it not.

We would like to present a new Wellness tool to business and make a very generous offer to add to a company’s Wellness services.

Multidimensional Wellness is much larger than just nutrition, exercise and the FoodPainConnection alone. We know this from the prolific number of scientific papers in the Wellness field.

We started long ago on a project that was very large. This meant pieces would need to come together slowly. We concluded from clinical experience that the Five Pillars were the essence of Self-Help Wellness.

Science was the lead with a basic principle that, to keep it in the Self-Help category  various health care professions, including my own, would need to take a back seat while the science pertaining to Self-Help would need the lead.

So, what is the bottom line fine print with our program? If people follow our suggestions, our diet, our lifestyle, then they will see a correction in blood fats, a correction in blood pressure, a lowering to normalization of weight, a better vascular system, including the heart, and a better brain with all that this entails. This all comes naturally from following the Wellness science.

We measure a person for that science and show how to move forward with Five Pillar Wellness Risk Management.

It is time to launch this important field and tell people what their Five Pillar Wellness Risk numbers are.

Here's to, Making Wellness a priority.

Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS