Wellness Risk Slide Shows
We are providing a few formats for our slide shows. Our slide shows cover all the data in the handouts and
Find a file format that works on your device. The .exe files should work on any device providing those
types of files are not blocked by your security tools. If they are, then try the .png type files.
And, of course, the Flash files will need you to have already downloaded and installed Adobe Flash Player.
At the present time we have posted 3 Slide Shows, one for individuals and two for businesses.
flashswf Shock Wave Format in Flash .swf (When ready.)
png Portable Network Graphic in
.exe The .exe file format executable
gif Graphics
Interchange Format in .shw
Pick one. They are all the same just different formats. Find one that works for you.
Not quite ready yet.
Png (Probably cell phones could play this one, but you will have to
enlarge the screes turn it to landscape view and tap on the right arow at the top for each slide. The Bullet
animations will likely not work either however, you will see the whole slide.)
Show #1 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\individuals\png\show1\index.html
Show #1
Show #1 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\individuals\gif\show1\index.html
BUSINESS Section for Businesses
Pick one. They are all the same just different formats. Find one that works for you.
Not quite ready yet.
Png (Probably cell phones could play this one.)
Show #1 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\businesses\png\show1\index.html
Show #2 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\businesses\png\show2\index.html
Show #1 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\businesses\exe\show1\businessslideshow1.exe
Show #2 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\businesses\exe\show2\businessslideshow2.exe
Show #1 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\businesses\gif\show1\index.html
Show #2 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\businesses\gif\show2\index.html
Wellness Risk Instructor School
Pick one. They are all the same just different formats. Find one that works for you.
We have prepared a slide show to help decision makers understand the process of Wellness Risk
Management School Policies. This show is for governments and insurance companies.
Not quite ready yet.
Png (Probably cell phones could play this one.)
Show #1 https://WellnessRisk.com\slideshows\government\gif\show1\index.html
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