To get a handle on that you need to get measured, then look at the numbers.
Tutoring Workshops are the place to be, Enrol Today. - - - - - - - Wellness: Wellness is defined as multidimensional, self-help, a positive health, a sense of well-being, a more successful existence. Wellness RISK: Wellness RISK indicates a person’s susceptibility to pain, suffering and a shortened life if they don’t follow the science on multidimensional Wellness. Risk is the probability of an event and its consequences. We put numbers to multidimensional Wellness RISK. Dr. Ouellette’s Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets: Please see the Intro page at Wellness RISK Management.com and the following web page. https://wellnesswithpain.com/Dr.-Ouellette's-Five-Pillars-of-Optimal-Health-Secrets.html Wellness
RISK Measurement Protocols: Thirty questionnaires in one online
measurement questionnaire program at TheQ.ca. We measure: Wellness RISK Measurement Scores: Thirty eight numbers provided in a one page Wellness RISK Management Progress Chart Indicating a percentage of 100% optimal health on each score. Wellness RISK Management Tutoring Workshops: After we measure, analyse, identify, and prioritize, we provide Wellness RISK Management Tutoring Workshops to help people complete their eight items in their customized Action Plan. That plan will improve their Wellness score numbers bringing their health closer to optimal health. Tutoring Workshops are where Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies are provided through the Action Plan list. Wellness RISK Management Action Plan List: Eight items on an action plan To-Do list are located in the 35 page Wellness RISK Management Report of Findings provided in Tutoring Workshops after measurement. Additional action plan items are provided to clients as needed. The total number of action plan items suitable for the list is 126. If people are performing all 126 items then they are going to be healthy indeed. Wellness RISK Management Instructors: These people are 'Body and Attitude' Instructors trained by Dr. Ouellette to provide Wellness RISK Management Tutoring Workshop help to clients after enrollment in the anonymous statistical gathering research program and Measurement. Wellness RISK Management Progress Chart: A one page chart of measurement scores after enrollment and completing the questionnaire. Health Professional's Report: A two page document explaining the Wellness RISK Management Progress Chart to interested healthcare clinicians. Wellness RISK Management Report of Findings (RoF): A 35 page report of findings for clients that indicates what each score means and provides recommendations to the client. Teaching that is achieved is performed in this RoF document. Wellness RISK Management Instructor’s Notes: A 35 page set of notes for Instructors on each client measured. Wellness RISK Management, the Wellness professionals. - - - - - - - What are your Wellness Scores? Wellness RISK is how closely a person lives their life according to the science of multi-dimensional Five Pillar Wellness.Wellness RISK indicates a ‘heading’ for healthcare troubles is the RISK is low. A NOTE from Dr. Ouellette. I have been telling people since the 1970s that certain common foods are bad for them. I began screening people with intake forms for dietary issues. Some of those forms are now a part of the Wellness RISK Management Measurement process. In the 1990s I began reviewing older research data and compiling information pertinent to food and pain. In 2002 I published my first book Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet Manual, to help my patient base, and in 2006 I published my second book on Cheating on Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet. These two books do not contain the same information. The second book was intended to help people cheat more effectively with less damage to their system. These concepts came from science data that was quite old in those days and more and more newer data is showing them to be true and timely. The issue of changes required to conform to the science is a difficult one due to human nature and so, I coined a new term and created a new Wellness Model to help people with those difficult human nature issues. The End GoalS M A R TS= SpecificM= MeasurableA= AttainableR= RelevantT= Time-BasedAbove all, we want things thorough and comprehensive in the Self-Help field for workers to gain the advantages they need, at their own level, in Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. Small changes are usually easy. We help people find the right ones for them.
DIVERSITY - INCLUSION - SUPPORT - HELP NEW Follow the Science PILOT Program Help for Worker's Wellness, Cost Free to the CompanyAre you short on time right now for your review of our program?
Cognitive Flexibility is essentially about learning to learn and being able to be flexible about the way you learn. Wellness, a complex topic that requires a mind set to go back to school to learn about Wellness RISK. The idea is for a person to take themselves back to school to learn Self-Help standards. We help with that by offering Tutoring Workshops. This web site will answer some questions.
There are some difficult things in the Wellness field that need to be done in order to achieve complete Wellness. Different people find different things difficult. We help people identify those things and then work toward correcting them in their lifestyle.
Everybody wants Wellness but, a lot of people have difficulty maintaining the actions science points us toward. We help with that. We have a new unique solution to the problem of maintaining Wellness.
On top of those Wellness problems most people do not know what effective strategies are in spite of media, internet and government programs. Common flawed ideas are,
Wellness experts, (not health care experts), can help you through those mind-sets.
Always remember that Health Care is (=) Disease Care, while Wellness is Self-Help care.
When you are ready.
For everyone,
one thing is certain.
They must behave in a way that lessens their stress or, they will die young.
Get yourself ready. |
We put numbers to Wellness.
Our Chronic Disease Prevention Program
When we look at the field of chronic disease we see that Wellness is not being done
that well in our communities. Consequently we see a steady increase in the use of disease care dollars and a
dizzying array of expensive technological and pharmacological solutions pushing healthcare costs for the community
and for individuals to astronomical numbers.
We are offering a new solution we call Wellness RISK Management.
Special Note
millions of people awaken. For everyone, They must behave in a way that lessens
their stress or, |
Our program is a Wellness tool to help people interested in self-help Wellness strategies. Business management and the workforce have multiple tools at their disposable for doing their job. People interested in Wellness have very few tools and a bewildering array of Wellness data presented to them through various media, some science based, much of it not. We would like to present a new Wellness tool to business and make a very generous offer to add to a company’s Wellness services. Multidimensional Wellness is much larger than just nutrition, exercise and the FoodPainConnection alone. We know this from the prolific number of scientific papers in the Wellness field. We started long ago on a project that was very large. This meant pieces would need to come together slowly. We concluded from clinical experience that the Five Pillars were the essence of Self-Help Wellness. Science was the lead with a basic principle that, to keep it in the Self-Help category various health care professions, including my own, would need to take a back seat while the science pertaining to Self-Help would need the lead. So, what is the bottom line fine print with our program? If people follow our suggestions, our diet, our lifestyle, then they will see a correction in blood fats, a correction in blood pressure, a lowering to normalization of weight, a better vascular system, including the heart, and a better brain with all that this entails. This all comes naturally from following the Wellness science. We measure a person for that science and show how to move forward with Five Pillar Wellness Risk Management. It is time to launch this important field and tell people what their Five Pillar Wellness Risk numbers are. Here's to, Making Wellness a priority. Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS |
© Copyright Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, September, 2017. All Rights